Ranking global cities
Ranking global cities

Major metropolitan areas contributing at least 2.5% of world GDP. Click on the headers to reorganize columns. Cities may be defined as the cities proper, the extent of their urban.

ranking global cities

The United Nations uses three definitions for what constitutes a city, as not all cities may be classified using the same criteria.

ranking global cities

This is a list of cities in the world by gross domestic product ( GDP ). The methodology of calculating GDP may differ between the studies and are widely based on projections and sometimes approximate estimations, notably for cities that are not within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. GDP of the ten largest metropolitan economies in the OECD, 20012018. Cities may be defined as the cities proper, the extent of their urban area, or their metropolitan regions. This is a list of cities in the world by gross domestic product ( GDP).

ranking global cities

GDP of the ten largest metropolitan economies in the OECD, 2001–2018

Ranking global cities